About me
Hi, I’m Kaylee. I am a second-year Ph.D. student in Computer Science at University of California, San Diego. I am fortunate to be advised by Prof. Jingbo Shang. Previously, I received my B.S. degree in Computer Science and Data Science at University of Wisconsin – Madison, where I worked with Prof. Fred Sala and Prof. Jelena Diakonikolas.
My research focuses on efficient machine learning, with particular interest in LLM reasoning, multimodal optimization, and weak supervision. I am currently working on balancing different modalities in multimodal instruction tuning to improve performance and mitigate catastrophic forgetting. Additionally, I aim to enhance model reasoning and persona abilities through data‑efficient methods. I am always eager to broaden the scope of machine learning methods toward the long tail of under‑studied application fields.
Please get in touch with me via email if you would like to discuss research or potential collaborations!
- Sep 2024: X-MLClass is accepted to EMNLP ‘24 main conference!
- Jun 2024: I have started my summer internship as an Applied Scientist Intern at Amazon Alexa AI!
- Sep 2023: Geometry-Aware Adaptation for Pretrained Models is accepted to NeurIPS ‘23!
- Sep 2022: AutoWS-Bench-101 is accepted to NeurIPS ‘22!
Selected Publications
OCEAN: Offline Chain-of-thought Evaluation and Alignment in Large Language Models
Junda Wu*, Xintong Li*, Ruoyu Wang, Yu Xia, Yuxin Xiong, Jianing Wang, Tong Yu, Xiang Chen, Branislav Kveton, Lina Yao, Jingbo Shang, Julian McAuley.
In submission, 2024.
[Paper] [Code]
CoMMIT: Coordinated Instruction Tuning for Multimodal Large Language Models
Junda Wu*, Xintong Li*, Tong Yu, Yu Wang, Xiang Chen, Jiuxiang Gu, Lina Yao, Jingbo Shang, Julian McAuley.
In submission, 2024.
[Paper] [Code]
Open-world Multi-label Text Classification with Extremely Weak Supervision
Xintong Li, Jinya Jiang, Ria Dharmani, Jayanth Srinivasa, Gaowen Liu, Jingbo Shang.
Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing (EMNLP), 2024.
[Paper] [Code]
Geometry-aware adaptation for pretrained models
Nicholas Roberts, Xintong Li, Dyah Adila, Sonia Cromp, Tzu-Heng Huang, Jitian Zhao, Frederic Sala.
Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS), 2023.
AutoWS-Bench-101: Benchmarking Automated Weak Supervision with 100 Labels
Nicholas Roberts*, Xintong Li*, Tzu-Heng Huang, Dyah Adila, Spencer Schoenberg, Cheng-Yu Liu, Lauren Pick, Haotian Ma, Aws Albarghouthi, Frederic Sala.
Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS), 2022.
[Paper] [Code]